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Sunny Rain HouseKeepers Procedures during the COVID-19 virus

Amid the developing coronavirus situation and the uncertainty around what the full impact of Coronavirus may be to the UK, I wanted to take the time to reassure you of the actions we are taking at Sunny Rain HouseKeepers, as a responsible quality house cleaner at this critical time.
The health of both our clients and our team members is our biggest priority. We are closely following the advice of the Government and Public Health England and have introduced a variety of measures to minimise the impact this may have on your health by making your home a safer place. We are also taking extra precautions for our own health and to minimise any cross-contamination.

We know that in times like these, it’s more important than ever that you have a home that is sanitised and are able to access the essential groceries you need.

Because of this, we have made some changes to our cleaning procedures and will collect any groceries you may need if you are unable to go out yourself.

Groceries and medication: - We already offer local grocery shopping to clients and during the COVID-19 situation, we are extending this service in case you are unable to leave your home. All you have to do is call 01708 748 757 and place your request or send us a message. This is normally included into contracted time but where possible, we will endeavour to factor in shopping as we pass supermarkets or put a request out on Time FM, with the aim of keeping the cost to you at a minimum if any cost at all.

Cleaning procedures: - How we clean changes with immediate effect and you may notice different smells than usual after we have cleaned. Your home will still be left fresh but most importantly, it will be sanitised more deeply in strategic areas to reduce your chances of catching coronavirus from any potentially contaminated areas of your home.

As always, cleaning materials used are sanitised and disinfected before use and we do not use dirty cloths’ or equipment from one home to another.

We will continue to monitor the situation closely and follow the direction given by the government and Public Health England, taking whatever action is necessary to protect our staff and clients.

I take this opportunity to thank you for your continued custom and support at this difficult time. I also thank our team members, who are all working incredibly hard to ensure Sunny Rain HouseKeepers can continue to serve all our clients during this troublesome period.

Terry Kane
Managing Director

Additional information

Please note: Although Public Health England currently advise that the virus is not able to survive long on certain types of objects, we believe that because of the uncertainty of what we are actually facing, exercising caution and following the above methods is the best practice at this time. We will continually assess the situation and make changes to our procedures where necessary.

Face masks

Staff will use face masks while spaying certain chemicals, which should usually be done anyway. This method is used to reduce chemicals inhaled, helping to protect the lungs, which is where COVID-19 attacks. Staff will ventilate the area being sprayed and close doors, where possible.

Hand cleaning during the COVID-19 virus

Staff will, as instructed;
 sanitise their hands with soap and water often for at least 40-60 seconds each time
 sanitise their hands when arriving at a client’s home and just before leaving.
 use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water is not available. This will be done for at least 20-30 seconds
 cover their mouth and nose with a tissue or their elbow crease (not their hands) when coughing or sneezing
 put used tissues in a white bag immediately and sanitise their hands afterwards
 try to avoid close contact with people, especially those who are unwell

Staff should not, as instructed;
 touch their eyes, nose or mouth if their hands are not clean

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