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Keep Your Home Office Clean Like a Pro

Many of us spend a lot of our working week sat behind a desk, for now that might be at home away from the office and its commercial cleaners. You might think your desk is tidy but germs and bugs can be found everywhere in your workspace. Hiding under the stack of papers or amongst the old coffee cups and of course there are the bugs lurking in your keyboard. 

Keeping a Clean Home Office is harder than it looks!

Did you know that the average office desk contains 400 times more germs than a toilet seat. That’s 800 bacteria per square inch!
Interestingly, which bugs grow can be different depending on the local environment – and certain environments can breed some pretty nasty bacteria. So, whether you're scrubbing down your desk in Timbuktu or you're just doing a bit of office cleaning in Cambridge, it pays to know what you're doing; follow this guide, and you'll be a pro in no time.

Why keep my desk clean?

If the risk of stomach bugs and coronavirus doesn’t motivate you, then I am not sure what will.

Things You’ll Need

• Antibacterial wipes: these are the modern miracle of office cleaning! If you prefer the traditional way, a good jay cloth will do the job, though micro-fibre cloths are defiantly better.

• Cotton swabs: ideal for getting into those tiny nooks on your keyboard

• Compressed air: Now we know not everyone is going to have this at home but it is useful for clearing out dust from hard to get to spaces

• Cleaning agent: a good quality cleaning spray will ensure your desk is disinfected. Again a great alternative is Water and white vinegar, it does the job better than almost anything – add a dash of lemon juice to help improve the smell.

Areas to be Disinfected

Every day our fingers clatter away on our keyboards, spreading all the germs we've picked up on our travels. It's hardly surprising that 96% of keyboards in one study were contaminated with potentially harmful bacteria, such as E. Coli and the antibiotic-resistant MRSA! But you don’t have to be a commercial cleaner to get rid of these bugs.

Shake your keyboard over a bin to remove any crumbs stuck inside. Use compressed air to clean any remaining crumbs then use a cotton swab to run through the crevices – dip the swab in a cleaning agent. Finally Wipe the keyboard down with an antibacterial wipe or a damp cloth but remember not to make it too wet or else the moisture will affect the keyboard.

Follow similar steps as described for the keyboard, however, remember to remove the batteries before cleaning. If you've got a touchpad on your laptop, be careful not to use too much cleaning liquid, as this can damage the laptop.

Your phone and headset both pass from hand to mouth, meaning any bacteria can easily lead to infections. It also harbours bacteria from your saliva. One study found your mobile has ten times more bacteria than most toilet seats, and you wouldn’t put your face near one of those!
If your phone has a case, remove and set aside (remember to turn your phone off). Only use an antibacterial wipe or a cloth that is not abrasive, wipe down all the sides of your phone, paying close attention to any buttons or ports. Wash phone case thoroughly and set aside to dry.

Desk and Screens
The same as with your phone screen you need to be careful when cleaning an LCD screen as chemical cleaners and some cleaning cloths can damage them. Instead, use a microfiber cloth with a small amount of diluted soap and water to clean the screen.

For your desk, wipe down with an antibacterial wipes/cloth and cleaning agent. Make sure to remove all the clutter beforehand.

Complete Cleaning is a Cambridge based company who have been delivering outstanding commercial cleaning services throughout their local area since 2001. Complete Cleaning LTD are committed to helping all our customers maintain safe working environments.

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