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Christmas Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning before Christmas can be very satisfying

A vacuum cleans up mess from Christmas with wrapping paper on floor and a blue tree

Who does spring cleaning before Christmas? I can bet most people don’t think to have a spring clean at the start of this festive Christmas season. After all, it’s not spring cleaning time and most people will just clean after Christmas, as after party cleaning is a definite. Does this seem like something you forget every year? But I bet you don’t forget your oven cleaning.

Spring cleaning before Christmas can be very satisfying. Here are a few reasons why spring cleaning is worth doing before Christmas.

Did you know that tinsel, as well as other decorations hold a lot of dust, so if you don’t dust before you put the tinsel and other decorations up, you are more likely to find cobwebs as well as extra dust. Yuk!

Internal windows are also good to clean before Christmas. Here at Sunny Rain HouseKeepers, we have a lot of customers that ask for regular internal window cleaning at Christmas and throughout the year, which includes a wash and wipe of the frames. So you can put the window decorations on a clean and sparkly window and sill. We all love to look through windows, especially at Christmas time. This is mainly to see other people’s decorations of course, so with an inertial window clean, they will see just how clean your windows are.

A good home clean up, before Christmas is a good idea, especially if you have to move furniture around to fit your Christmas tree and presents in.

Have you ended up moving furniture and thought, ‘why’?

Doing the spring cleaning before will ensure all that dirt and dust is gone, without the thought of ‘Ahhh! I think I will put the tree somewhere else!’ Otherwise you’ll end up hiding the dust again. Don’t let that be you.
Christmas spring cleaning is worth the extra work. Also give the skirting a good clean as a lot of people miss wiping that. At Sunny Rain HouseKeepers we don’t miss a thing.

Now your house is clean and fresh and Christmas decorations are now up, it’s starting to feel a bit more like Christmas. But the home cleaning will not be finished yet.

Oven cleaning will be on your list of jobs. Who loves waking up Christmas day to the smell of that turkey cooking? With a clean oven you would get that beautiful smell, instead of a turkey smell mixed with old fat, burning cheese and stale sauce smelling out your freshly cleaned house. Oven cleaning before cooking your Christmas dinner can make all the difference. At Sunny Rain HouseKeepers, whether you are a regular customer or not, our cost of oven cleaning is the same as our regular hourly rate.

With our oven cleaning, you would now have a clean and beautiful smelling oven as well as house and with the Christmas decorations up, it soon will be CHRISTMAS and time to PARTY!!

Now for the after party clean. The day when everyone has a hangover and has to clean up.

After party cleaning can consist of picking up garden litter, picking up all the wrapping paper, and cleaning the bathroom, as well as deep cleaning the kitchen.
The sorting out of leftover food, whether it’s on plates or on your floor, needs cleaning up too, as everyone always buys far too much for Christmas.
And don’t forget the oven cleaning. Yes, again. With all that meat fat that has dripped and spat everywhere, or custard that’s splattered over the hob. The food was so yummy but it’s a mess no doubt and the oven cleaning does need cleaning again.

The big clean up

Then when your home is organised again after the big clean up, it will soon be time to take the decorations down and pack them up till next year.

Cleaning up the Christmas decorations can be a hard and tedious job. It’s nowhere near as fun as putting them up is it!
This is because organising them and getting them to fit back in their boxes where they came from, is crazy.
They never seem to fit back in the box they come out of. Why does the box always seen to shrink?
All that glitter that looked so pretty has been trod on and is all over the carpet. You didn’t notice before, during the fun, but now you see it everywhere!

And if you decided on a real tree, well the cleaning up after that is not fun. The needles go everywhere don’t they. Who has found pine tree needles months later and after you have cleaned and hoovered a thousand times?
All of this house cleaning that needs doing!

At Sunny Rain HouseKeepers, we are happy to do all the hard work, dirty bits and more. Whether it’s regular cleaning, early spring cleaning, just oven cleaning or internal window cleaning. We are here to take the hassle out of housekeeping and help you create better festive memories in life.


by Cassie @ Sunny Rain

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